Should I still buy Solar?

interest-free-financing-bank October 19,2015
Solar is still a great investment BUT, you better hurry because the 30 % tax credit expires 12/31/2016. Some hold out hope the tax credit will get renewed. Maybe it will but it won’t matter and it wont save residential solar in California thanks to  AB327 signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown. The new law drastically alters NET metering agreements. Net metering is the method used to compensate homeowners for the power their solar systems produce. Currently we get a dollar for dollar offset. Example If your in tier 4 and  PG&E is your provider your paying around 36 cents per kwh. Presently PG&E  purchases your solar power from you at that rate. The new rule will cap the reimbursed rate at 8 cents per kwh leaving you still paying 28 cents. A huge step back and Essentially a dagger in the heart of the industry. Prices  simply can’t come down enough to compensate.  The good news is You have until the end of 2016 to get your system in AND you will be grandfathered in at the current Net metering agreement for the next 20 years. Don’t wait don’t procrastinate don’t wait until the next big thing.The next year and few months is going to be crazy busy for solar companies.  There’s going to be weather issues and product shortages  and no doubt  there will be interconnection issues with the utility companies all of wich will result in delays. The wheels are coming off this cart and if you don’t get on board your going to miss out.

Denny Luikens


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